CranioSacral Therapy and Ancestral Hands on Healing

Your body is a miracle of pathways and flows. The movement of muscles, bones, and fluids keeps you vital and functioning. Craniosacral Therapy and Ancestral Hands on Healing  both release restrictions or obstacles to flow and mobility. It improves the circulation of fluids and the mobility of bones throughout your body. It is a gentle, hands-on form of bodywork that relies upon the lightest of touches in strategic locations to realign these pathways and unlock restrictions that block circulation.


Craniosacral therapy (CST) and Ancestral Hands on Healing (AHOH) are both good for all aspects of your health, acute, chronic problems, and general good health maintenance. Specifically, they are helpful after an accident or injury, to reduce inflammation, reorganize tissue, reduce pressure, improve flow of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, and nerve conduction.  They help to integrate the physical and emotional trauma, to ready yourself to continue living and growing and thriving.

Car accidents, falls, head injuries, concussions and traumatic brain injury, breaks, sprains, strains, and contusions are all good reasons to seek craniosacral therapy and Ancestral Hands on Healing.  Emotional trauma, pain, fear, anxiety, even depression and addiction, can also be helped with CST and AHOH.


Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and deep reaching treatment. It’s called craniosacral therapy because it includes the central nervous system from cranium to sacrum, including your spine, and all the bones in your head.

When those bones experience trauma, for example, a car accident, or even something as seemingly benign as chronic jaw clenching, they can become misaligned.  Extreme muscle tension, adhesions, or fascial restrictions can also pull bones out of alignment.

Misaligned bones put pressure on other bones, nerves, or blood vessels. This can cause sensations of pain, tension, pressure, numbness, or even fuzzy thinking.

Craniosacral therapy is based on subtle gentle touch which dislodges and frees those bones, releases fascial restrictions, increases space, reduces pressure, and allows natural movement.  Once your bones move freely, pressure diminishes and the optimal flow of cerebrospinal fluid and craniosacral rhythm return. Craniosacral therapy appears simple, yet the results can be profound and ongoing.


Body work in general is about improving flow by reducing or removing obstructions so the body can begin to do its own work gracefully.  Around the time I began to study Craniosacral therapy, I also began to learn Ancestral Hands on Healing, taught to me by other healers, curanderos, and my Ancestors.

Ancestral Hands on Healing involves a little more pressure, physical movement, and definitely and always, spiritual guidance.  Ancestral Hands on Healing also increases the flow, including the flow of thoughts, understanding, and emotions.  With this work, you may find yourself exploring or experiencing different views of your journey and life experiences.

This healing is the most elemental, indigenous, primitive, and spiritual health care there is because it is based on our original tools: hands, heart, and connection with Spirit, and has been with humanity since the very beginning.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY AND ANCESTRAL HANDS ON HEALING together work to remove obstacles to flow

This work is done through gentle touch, intuitive healing, and occasional manipulation and massage.  Some of the work is physical, while some of the work is via energy, spirit, and sacred conversation.  Most people agree that it is comfortable and brings relief of pressure, tension, strain, and discomfort.  Some people experience profound and immediate healing and change, pain relief, and increased function.  For some people it is more like a spiraling and peeling back of onion skin as the layers of injury and trauma fall aside and their body, mind, and spirit find flow and healing.

Your healing may also include abdominal massage, visceral manipulation, ritual, and fascial work.  Together, these various healing modalities support your body to find its natural flow and experience comfort, health, and optimum function.

This work is ancient science and alchemical healing.  Your mind and mine, the presence of both of our ancestors, your body and my listening, all combine to create space for you to do your work in healing.  This is traditional medicine.

Craniosacral Therapy and Ancestral Hands on Healing in  Pregnancy,  PostPartum, and Infancy

Craniosacral therapy and Ancestral Hands on Healing are wonderful in pregnancy, Postpartum, and infancy.  Click here for more details.

What’s It Like?

CST is done while fully dressed.  No need to remove any clothes.  I do ask you to arrive with no wool, however, as I cannot touch the wool.

At each meeting we will talk so you can tell me your story, so I can understand why you are here, your goals, priorities, concerns, and general health.

I also explain my only rule:  Tell me what is happening for you, keep me posted.  If you feel worried or uncomfortable or any pain, or even fear of pain or discomfort, please tell me.  I will stop what I am doing and find out what you need.

I usually start at your feet for assessment and balancing.  That often tells me where to go next and what parts of your body need attention.  From there, people’s responses to therapy vary greatly.  You may or may not feel physical sensations and release.  Some people have deep insights or feel in a trance.  Some find it to be a simply restful and quiet time. I may tell you what I find or you may tell me what you are experiencing. Or you may lie quietly while you experience or process thoughts and memories. Some people fall asleep during treatment.   You cannot do this incorrectly.  The experience is the process and the treatment. Your treatment will go the right way for you.

Emotional release

Emotional release is another aspect of craniosacral therapy and helps the mind and body to release residual effects of trauma, both emotional and physical.  Sometimes people are quiet and internal.  Sometimes people cry, silently or loudly.  They are both valid and welcome.  Again, that is an entirely personal experience and no two people experience it in the same way.  One thing is true:  we do not force anything and nothing happens that you are unable to handle, and it is powerful, effective work.

You may feel specific change during the session or you may feel change occurring over the next few days, or, most likely, both.

The work is invisible and beautiful and does what it is that YOU need.